Review Article

Stunting incident prevention: a systematic literature review

Fitri R. Fadmi, Kuntoro Kuntoro, Bambang Widjanarko Otok, Soenarnatalina Melaniani
Journal of Public Health in Africa | Vol 14, S 2 : 6th International Symposium of Public Health ISoPH| a275 | DOI: | © 2024 Fitri R. Fadmi, Kuntoro Kuntoro, Bambang Widjanarko Otok, Soenarnatalina Melaniani | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 08 April 2024 | Published: 25 May 2023

About the author(s)

Fitri R. Fadmi, Doctoral Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Kuntoro Kuntoro, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Bambang Widjanarko Otok, Departement of Statistics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
Soenarnatalina Melaniani, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia

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Introduction: Stunting incident prevention is important to ensure the quality of the future generation. With excellent future generations, Indonesia can compete with other nations and survive future challenges. Unfortunately, some provinces in Indonesia still had high stunting incident prevalence. The aim of this study is to provide information about the influential contributors of stunting incidents qualitatively and quantitatively and to provide recommendations for stunting incident prevention.

Materials and Methods: The researchers applied for a systematic literature review with a modified PRISMA procedure. The third criterion was that the articles had to be non-systematic literature review articles, published from 2017 until 2022.

Results: This process eventually led to 20 relevant articles: 15 quantitative articles and 3 qualitative articles. From the reviewed quantitative and qualitative research articles, the researchers found twelve influential factors of stunting incidents. Among these twelve factors, the reviewing results found two top factors with OR values more than 12 times. They were family income, the number of children and the ages of the children.

Conclusions: The researchers found that the most prominent factors of stunting incidents during the observations in qualitative research were parent education, early marriage, dietary system, economic and social status. Although statistically, the top influential factors were family income and the number of children, and ages of children, the minor contributors must be considered. On the other hand, the efforts to improve parent education require interventions from the government.


education; government; incident; parent; policy; stunting


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Crossref Citations

1. Exploring the relationship between maternal parenting styles and stunting prevention behaviors in children aged 3-5 years
Arum Dwi Ningsih, Endang Yuswatiningsih, Dwi Prasetyaningati
Healthcare in Low-resource Settings  year: 2024  
doi: 10.4081/hls.2024.12054